Abstract:Paul T. Durbin, a contemporary American philosopher of technology, is the founder of the International Society of Philosophy of Technology. From the perspective of academic schools, Durbin's thought is significantly“pragmatist”; from the concerns he faces, he is oriented to study technical and social issues; from the perspective of discipline development, he incorporates the engineering ethics and social responsibility into the system of philosophy of technology; in terms of the research methods, he clarifies the development of philosophy of technology and looks to the future of Philosophy of Technology based on the history of philosophy of technology; from the view of values, he pursues better technology for a better future.
Keyword:Paul T. Durbin; activism; technical and social issues; pragmatism; philosophy of technology;
保罗·杜尔宾 (Paul T.Durbin, 1933—) , 美国当代知名技术哲学家, 国际技术哲学学会 (The Society for Philosophy and Technology, SPT) 的倡导者和SPT发展的重要参与者。自20世纪70年代初至21世纪初, 杜尔宾活跃于国际技术哲学界近40年。2006年, 奥尔森 (Olsen, J.K.B.) 和赛林格 (Selinger, E.) 在其访谈性着作《技术哲学:五个问题》[1]中, 采访了24位当代着名技术哲学家, 杜尔宾就是其中之一。杜尔宾终身任教于美国特拉华大学 (Delaware) , 至今仍致力于技术哲学的学科建构。