Abstract:Based on the comprehensive assessment data and information of the education quality in Jinan junior middle schools, this paper objectively explains the advantages and disadvantages of the development index and basic literacy of junior middle school students. Thus, the Assessment Center of Jinan Basic Education has made some useful attempts at seeking effective implementation model, procedure and methods. This education quality evaluation activity has accumulated preliminary experience in the area of tool development and utilization, evaluation mode and working mechanism. However, the effectiveness of the evaluation topic is still lack of corresponding reference indexes, the personnel are unstable and lack of professional guidance. The survey shows that there is a room for the balanced development of education in this city. The guiding role of the evaluation results has not been brought into full play. It is necessary to guide the schools and relative families to have the correct educational quality concept. There is still a long way to build a professional evaluation team and develop a scientific evaluation tool. The evaluators must be full-time, with professional education measurement and evaluation knowledge.
Keyword:Junior middle school students; Education quality; Comprehensive assessment; Academic development; Basic literacy;
教育质量是学校生存之本, 发展之基。树立科学的教育质量观, 促进学生全面发展是新时代的必然要求。教育部指出:“把学生的品德发展水平、学业发展水平、身心发展水平、兴趣特长养成、学业负担状况等方面作为评价学校教育质量的主要内容, 着力构建中小学教育质量综合评价指标体系。”[1]近期, 济南市中小学教育质量监测中心 (以下简称“监测中心”) 根据有关要求, 对该市初中学校进行了一次教育质量综合评价。评价从学生发展和成长环境两个维度着眼, 涉及六个一级评价指标的20项评价要点, 采取实地观察、学科学习状况问卷调查、学生心理状况分析、学科教学质量综合测评、过程性材料查看等方式方法, 对数据和材料进行分析、挖掘。
1. 评价内容与工具
结合前期已经完成的全市中小学生课业负担监测工作, 本次评价侧重于学业质量评价, 兼顾学习状况和学习策略, 开发了学业质量试卷、学科学习状况问卷, 选取信息加工策略量表等工具。学习状况问卷由监测中心自主设计, 包括学生学习兴趣、学习动机、师生关系、自信心、学习负担、教师教育教学方式方法和学校课程管理等方面。
2. 组织与实施形式
在2016年两次试测的基础上, 监测中心召开工作会议, 把综合评价的目的与意义、内容与流程、指标体系与组织形式等向全市进行了详细解读和说明。随后采取随机抽取样本学校并提前半天通知的方式, 通过实地观察、问卷调查、综合测试和过程性材料查看与分析等方式进行。实地监测后, 组织市级优秀计算机教师进行数据采集、整理和材料分析、挖掘, 逐步形成综合评价报告, 及时反馈到县区和有关学校, 并通过媒体向社会公示 (图1) 。
图1 监测流程