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  Abstract:The Red family tradition is the family fashion of the old proletarian internationalism and outstanding communists in the course of revolutionary practice, socialist construction and reform and opening-up, and it is the sum of the values, ways of life, habits, culture, and spirit that have accumulated over time.In the context of the“New Era of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, the red family tradition has the moral functions of providing spiritual motivation, guiding the direction of values and outlook of life, judging and restraining human behaviors. Under the guarantee of the relevant systems, the full development and utilization of red domestic resources, family, school and social cooperation can promote the effective interaction between red family tradition and moral education system and its elements, which helps realize the functions of red family tradition moral education.

  Keyword:the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics; the red family tradition; the functions of moral education; the realization path;

  红色家风是老一辈无产阶级革命家和各个时代优秀共产党人的家庭风尚, 是开展德育工作的有效载体, 传承和弘扬红色家风, 能潜移默化、润物细无声地对人们的价值观、人生观和政治观发挥引导功效。党的十九大提出中国特色社会主义进入新时代, 这是我国发展新的历史方位, 社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾, 主要矛盾转变要求时代任务和阶段性目标与之适应, 必然要求文化建设实现新跃迁, 从而为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴提供强大的精神支撑。新时代, 积极开展红色家风教育, 发挥红色家风德育功能, 是贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要举措, 既有利于家庭成员形成正确价值观念、崇高政治素养和优秀道德品质, 又能够给民风和社风注入一股清新之风、先进之风, 使之得到良好引导。红色家风德育功能的发挥从“家域”辐射到“社会域”、从作用于个人拓展到作用于整个国家和民族, 不断夯实着社会主义道德大厦的根基。


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