Abstract:In a long time, people have been interpreting educational institutions in an irrelevant or ambiguous perspective. Among them, institutional research of the structural functionalism denies the prospect of the institutional change in education and considers the educational institutions are the exogenous variable of the educational practice. The old institutional pedagogy attaches importance to the pedagogical meaning of educational institutions, but it confuses educational institutions with the cage or framework imposed in the educational practice, and results in radical intervention or critique to the institutions. The new institutionalism in sociology acknowledges the significance of institution, but emphasizes that the role of institution is not on the pursuit of efficiency but on the guarantee of legitimacy.Although the early new institutional pedagogy admits the endogeneity of educational institutions, it has not gotten rid of the traces of the new institutional economics, so it can not truly deepen into the microscopic educational practice to form a concept and discourse system with the characteristics of pedagogy, thus it has been replaced by a set of understandings with more pedagogical implications. Here, by recounting these different paradigms in educational institutions, we'll further demonstrate the pedagogical perspective that is more suitable to interpret the educational institutions.
Keyword:institutional research; structural functionalism; old institutional pedagogy; new institutionalism insociology; new institutional economics; new institutional pedagogy;
教育中的制度分析, 主要包括两方面的工作:一方面是从制度的角度来看待教育问题, 也就是把制度视作教育问题的核心;另一方面则涉及对教育制度的理解, 尤其是如何从教育的角度来看待制度本身。试图从制度的角度来思考教育问题, 不是依据那些纯客观的、不以人的意志为转移的物质力量来解释教育, 而是认可社会行动本身的力量。当然, 即便在人们被要求完全服从于外物的时候, 这个世界依然是人主导的世界。只是这里的主导者乃是一些被精心掩饰了的特权者, 正是他们不断要求我们接受这种“客观”现实。现在发生的乃是一个很大的转向, 不是把特定的群体或个人当作制度的最终根基, 而是认为世界建立在互动的基础之上。只是我们这里关注的主要不是如何从制度的角度来分析教育, 而是如何从教育的角度来分析制度。最终走到这一步并不容易。在很长的一段时间内, 人们都是从别的或者含混的角度来解读教育制度。在这里, 我们将通过追述有关教育制度理解的不同范式, 来说明最适合解读教育制度的那样一种教育学式的理解。