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  Abstract:Traditional assessment is based on the final examination scores to assess students' learning ability and results, while formative assessment is the assessment of students' learning process, in which teachers adjust teaching contents in accordance with the actual state and progress of students' learning. This paper expounds the characteristics of formative assessment and the advantages of its combination with English teaching, and also introduces the significance of applying formative assessment in the teaching process.

  Keyword:higher vocational English; formative assessment; autonomous learning;

  形成性评价是结合学生学习信息的反馈, 全面提高正在进行的教育方案质量的一种评价。采用形成性评价的意义是通过这种方式使教师能够帮助学生, 及时发现学生无法掌握的知识点, 而并不是区分学生的等级。利用形成性评价能够使学生有效地提高知识量与学习效率。


TAG标签: 高职英语     形成性评价     自主学习    
