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摘  要




  本文选取河南兆丰酒业有限公司作为研究对象,采用访谈法和文献研究法,收集梳理兆丰酒业的相关资料,结合营销策略的基本理论,分析兆丰酒业面临的国内白酒形势,目前其在国内白酒行业所处的位置,阐述了企业的发展背景、营销现状、营销策略及问题,在此基础上,结合 4P、4V 理论的相关内容给出相应的营销策略改进方案。期望本文的研究结果能够给兆丰酒业的发展提供新的思路,并为国内小型白酒企业的转型、创新带来一些思考和借鉴。

  关键词: 兆丰酒业,中小型白酒企业,消费者行为,营销策略


  China is the world's largest producer and consumer of distilled spirits and has a unique liquor brewingprocess for thousands of years. Since ancient times, baijiu has not only inherited the profound culturalhistory of China, but also showed great significance in political, diplomatic and economic aspects. In recentyears, with the gradual improvement of the residents' demand for liquor products and the continuousimprovement of the marketing strategy of liquor industry, the competition in domestic liquor industry ismore intense. At the same time, under the influence of “six-point regulation”, “three public consumptions”

  policy and “eight-point rules”, marketing of liquor production enterprise started to go into secondarydifferentiation. It no longer maintains sustained rapid growth, but steps into a long-term mediation period.

  These changes significantly affects the small and medium-sized liquor enterprises which occupy a largepart of the liquor industry but have a large number of scattered talents. Only those who can rapidlyformulate marketing methods that are close to consumers will be able to take the lead in the market.

  Therefore, liquor companies, especially small and medium-sized liquor companies, urgently need tocombine environmental changes and analyze information based on their products, business conditions,financial status, competitive strategies, and market share, and formulate new marketing that meets theirown conditions and adapts to market changes. Strategy to achieve the company's continued healthydevelopment.

  At present, domestic researches on the marketing of liquor industry focuses on marketing channels,marketing model innovation, etc. The existing researches on marketing strategies mainly focuses onmiddle-to-high-end liquor enterprises and is less involved in medium and small liquor enterprises.

  Therefore, the study of the marketing strategy of small and medium-sized liquor companies, and the timelyadjustment of the strategy combined with the development of the times, is of great significance to the largenumber of small and medium-sized liquor companies in the liquor industry.

  The development of Zhaofeng Wine has encountered a “bottleneck” and it is necessary to transformmarketing strategies to adapt to the changing new situation. This article selects Zhaofeng Wine Co., Ltd. asthe research object, adopts interviews and literature research methods, collects and combs relevantinformation of Zhaofeng Wine Industry, and combines the basic theories of marketing strategies to analyzethe domestic liquor situation facing Zhaofeng Wines. In the position of the domestic liquor industry, themarketing status of the company and the problems in its marketing strategy, on this basis, thecorresponding marketing strategy improvement plan is given.

  It is expected that the research results of this paper can provide new ideas for the development ofZhaofeng Wine Industry, and bring some thoughts and references for the transformation and innovation ofsmall-sized liquor enterprises in China.

  KEY WORDS :   Zhaofeng liquor industry,Small and medium-sized liquor enterprises,Consumerbehavior,the marketing strategy

  目 录
  摘 要

  1.1 选题背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.3 文献综述
  1.3.1 国内研究现状
  1.3.2 国外研究现状
  1.4 研究内容和研究方法
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 研究方法

  2 相关理论基础

  2.1 基本概念
  2.1.1 营销及营销策略概念
  2.1.2 消费者行为学相关概念
  2.2 营销策略基本理论
  2.2.1 4P 理论
  2.2.2 4V 理论

  3 兆丰酒业营销策略现状及问题分析

  3.1 兆丰酒业概况
  3.1.1 兆丰酒业的历史与成就
  3.1.2 兆丰酒业的改革与发展
  3.2 兆丰酒业营销现状
  3.3 兆丰酒业营销策略及问题分析
  3.3.1 品牌定位问题分析
  3.3.2 产品问题分析
  3.3.3 价格问题分析
  3.3.4 渠道问题分析
  3.3.5 促销问题分析


  4.1 宏观环境的变化
  4.1.1 政治经济环境
  4.1.2 社会文化环境
  4.2 自身条件制约
  4.2.1 品牌成熟度不够
  4.2.2 组织管理不清晰
  4.2.3 成本增加
  4.3 市场竞争激烈
  4.3.1 其他产品替代性强
  4.3.2 竞争格局的变化
  4.3.3 营销模式的变化
  4.4 人才缺失

  5 兆丰酒业营销策略改进方案

  5.1 品牌策略改进
  5.1.1 品牌的文化传承
  5.1.2 品牌的产权保护
  5.2 产品策略改进
  5.2.1 多样化产品内容
  5.2.2 私人订制特色产品
  5.3 价格策略改进
  5.4 渠道策略改进
  5.4.1 传统铺货模式
  5.4.2 直销模式
  5.4.3 团购渠道
  5.4.4 开拓网络营销
  5.5 促销策略改进
  5.5.1 多元化促销
  5.5.2 社会参与度
  5.6 改进方案的执行保障措施
  5.6.1 企业文化保障
  5.6.2 组织制度建设

  6 结论



TAG标签: 兆丰酒业     中小型白酒企     营销策略    
