Abstract:The gentleman's personalities in Analects of Confucius contain benevolence, politeness, modesty and respection, morality, loyalty and faith such basic spirits;Gentleman's personalities plays a role of example in the modern society, and the opposite villain personality plays a negative role.Carrying forward the personality of gentlemen is of great significance to the improvement of citizen's moral level, the promotion of social atmosphere, propagation of socialist core values and the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Keyword:Analects of Confucius; gentleman's personalities; benevolence; politeness; modesty and respection; morality; loyalty and faith;
《论语》集中阐述了为人处世的道理, 其中有多次提到“君子”一词。可以说, 《论语》就是一部教导人们如何自我完善、将自己修养成“君子”的经典。《论语》中君子人格的基本精神十分丰富, 包含仁爱、守礼、谦敬、重道、忠信等内容。《论语》中的君子人格是公民进行人格修养、建设美德社会和实现中国梦的重要依据, 是公民践行社会主义核心价值观和实现中国梦的重要哲学基础。