Abstract:As quality education in the new era demands new conceptions, this study centers on subjects, objectives and ways of education.Students need to be mentaly strengthened, overall developed in lifelong learning and moral, traditional and innovative dimensions.The obejective of the education at the new era is to revive the nation.The ways of education should be adapted to the centralized leadership of the Party, priority of developing and strengthening of Chinese education.
Keyword:quality education; objective; feature; measure;
党的十九大对我国所处的历史方位作出重大的新判断, 那就是我们已经进入到一个新时代。这一重大判断的影响, 是具有全局性的, 对各个领域、各个方面都提出一系列新要求。素质教育, 是教育改革发展的主题。处于新的历史方位, 素质教育也需要秉承新理念、适应新挑战, 切实回应新时代的要求。习近平总书记指出, 教育的核心是素质教育 (1) ;教育要回答好解决好为谁培养人、培养什么样的人、怎样培养人这些根本问题 (2) 。笔者看来, 新时代的素质教育就是要围绕这样三个最核心问题来展开, 所有的教育理论和实践也应该围绕这三个最核心问题来探索。