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  Abstract:Primary school mathematics with a certain quality, is the basis for high level of mathematics learning, it is necessary to explore the effective teaching methods.Based on this, this paper takes "teaching method" principle in primary school mathematics teaching as a starting point, analyzes the specific application of the way and the problems needing attention in the use of process and, given the specific content.Through analysis of the "teaching method" in the basic conditions and advantages show better application in primary school mathematics teaching in the follow-up.

  Keyword:introduction teaching method; primary school mathematics teaching; teaching program;

  “导入式教学法”既是一种教学法, 也是一种教学组织模式, 其最突出的特征是充分重视教学过程中“学”的重要性, 在教师引导的基础上, 充分发挥学生主动性, 开发智力、培育思维方式, 使学生成为学习的真正主人。就小学数学教学而言, 其对理性思维的要求较高, 一味采用传统说教模式, 可能影响学生的学习效果甚至思考方式, 分析“导入式教学法”在小学数学教学中的运用有利于后续教学工作的优化和开展。


TAG标签: 导入     教学法     数学教学    
