Abstract:In recent years, it is advocated that quality education and basic education are complementary to each other, and quality education has been paid more and more attention. Based on the current education mode and situation, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the teaching environment and teaching process of quality education for contemporary college students.
Keyword:contemporary college students; quality education; current situation; suggestions;
教育一直是国家发展的基础, 国家全力支持教育事业以教育培养出一代代为祖国发展前仆后继做贡献的新兴力量。随着国力的发展, 教育事业越来越欣欣向荣, 越来越多的大学生走向了社会, 然而学生渐渐暴露出很多问题, 关于大学生问题的报道屡见不鲜, 不仅是专业能力问题, 更多的是素质方面出现了纰漏。本文对目前大学生素质教育问题进行归纳总结, 并提出建议。