改革开放以来,随着国家对学生国外留学的大力提倡,“出国游学”逐渐成为了一个时髦词。伴随着中国经济的发展和全球化进程的加快,越来越多的中小学生选择在假期“走出去”,进行一次短期游学,出国游学热正悄悄席卷中国,成了中小学校教育的新兴方式。随着出国游学的人数越来越多,游学的学生也越来越呈现出“低龄化(Younger age)的趋势,中小学出国游学已成为重点游学项目。但是在这股热潮的背后,也需要引起我们的思考。中小学出国游学的现状及存在的问题有哪些?如何更好地发挥出国游学的重要作用而不仅仅使之徒有学名而无学实呢? 这些都是需要我们进行探究的。
本研究主要采用问卷调查法与访谈法,在山东省济南市 X 小学中的参加过出国游学的学生中随机抽取了 273 名学生,以及 245 位家长进行了问卷调查,同时从上述学生与家长中随机选取 5 位学生与 5 位家长,还从该校随机选取 5 位在带学生出国游学方面有丰富经验,并对该校游学项目有较深刻了解的教师进行了访谈。研究发现:就小学生出国游学意向和动机的调查结果来看,大部分小学生(50.6%)对出国游学持较为积极的态度,有较高的游学动机和意向,还有 34.4%的小学生对出国游学持较低的动机和意向,极少的小学生(15.0%)对出国游学持有模棱两可的态度:既没有明确表达想去游学,也并没有明确表达不想去游学。其中,“练好英语口语的决心”“出国游玩的吸引力”
就家长对小学生出国游学意向的调查结果来看,小学生的家长对小学生出国游学的态度与小学生自身去出国游学的动机与意向之间是存在不小差别的:持“积极态度”的家长占有 32.3%的比重;持“消极态度”的家长占的比重最少,仅为 24.7%;持中立态度的家长的数量是最多的,占 43.0%的比重。由此可见,与绝大部分小学生想出国游学的动机相比,家长明显更偏向中立态度。本研究数据显示“家庭经济因素”“担心学生年龄过小,不够成熟”和“国内学生课业负担重,想帮学生减轻负担”是影响家长对小学生出国游学积极性的重要因素。此外,就家长、教师与学生对出国游学满意度及出国游学存在问题的调查结果来看,家长与学生对参与过的该校组织的出国游学项目的满意度并不是很高,“相当满意”和“很满意”的比重仅为 27.9%,不太满意的家长与学生的比重达到了 41.1%,认为项目一般的家长与学生的比重为 31.0%。综上,目前家长与学生对出国游学项目的满意度不容乐观,当前出国游学项目中的不足主要可归纳为以下几点:家长和学生对游学中游和学的关系定位不准、出国游学课程内容过于单一、出国游学市场产品较少且较为混乱等等。
出国游学是增强我国与其他各国在经济、政治与文化各方面交流发展的重要途径,是得到国家大力提倡与发展的项目,且当前国内的游学政策相比之前更为宽松,中小学生也有更多机会参与出国游学。然而,目前出国游学体系中还存在不少缺憾与问题。为了更好地帮助小学生在出国游学过程中获得更多知识与体验,更好地帮助国内的游学政策与游学体系日渐完善,针对上述研究中提出的出国游学中存在的各种问题与不足,建议通过以下几个对策与建议进行修正与完善:1.学校需要帮助家长与学生摆正出国游学的心态,基于攀比心理或基于为学生的履历增添光彩等功利性较强的想法才参加出国游学项目的心态不可取;2. 注重“游”与“学”之间的相互交融,将“寓学于游”作为出国游学的一个重要理念;3. 管理游学市场,开发不同层次的出国游学项目,让那些经济条件相对较差的家庭的学生也有去国外交流学习的机会,促进教育公平;4. 丰富出国游学课程的内容,让学生在与大自然相处的同时学习到更加多元化的知识;5. 增强小学生的自主管理意识并提升其自我管理能力,从而逐渐降低对成人的依赖。
Since the reform and opening up, with the vigorous promotion of students studyingabroad, the “foreign study tour” has gradually become a buzzword. Along with thedevelopment of China's economy and the acceleration of globalization, more and morecollege students choose to “go out” during the holidays and conduct a short-term study tour toself-charge. The study tour location is close to Hong Kong, and as far as Europe is concerned,the study tour institutions have emerged in an endless stream. From the school to the privatesector, the overseas study tour is quietly sweeping across China, becoming an emerging wayof independent education for college students. As more and more people go abroad to study,the students who study abroad are also showing a trend of “Younger age”. At present,overseas study tours in primary and secondary schools have become the focus of current studytours. But behind this craze, there are also cold thoughts that cannot be ignored. What are thecurrent status and problems of studying abroad in primary and secondary schools? How tobetter play the important role of studying abroad, not just making them famous but notacademic? These are all we need to explore.
In this study, questionnaire survey and interview method were used to survey 273 middleand senior students and 245 parents in Jinan X Elementary School in Shandong Province.
Five students and 5 students were randomly selected from the above students and parents. Theparents also randomly selected five teachers from the school who had extensive experience intraveling abroad and had a deeper understanding of the school's study tour program. The studyfound that most of the primary school students (50.6%) have a more positive attitude towardsforeign study abroad, have higher motivation and intention to study abroad, and 34.4% ofprimary school students are studying abroad. With low motivation and intention, very fewprimary school students (15.0%) have an ambiguous attitude towards studying abroad: neitherexpressly wants to study, nor expressly expresses that they do not want to study. Among them,the three aspects of "the determination to practice oral English", "the attraction of goingabroad to play" and "the psychological comparison between students" are important sourcesof motivation and intention of primary school students to study abroad. According to theresults of the parents' survey of foreign students' interest in overseas study, there is nosignificant difference between the parents' attitudes towards the primary school students'
overseas study and the motivation and tendency of the primary school students to studyabroad. The parents with “positive attitude” have 32.3. The proportion of % with a “negativeattitude” is the lowest, only 24.7%; the number of parents with a neutral attitude is the highest,accounting for 43.0%. It can be seen that compared with the motivation of most primaryschool students who want to study abroad, parents are obviously more neutral. The data ofthis study show that "family economic factors" "fear that students are too young, not matureenough" and "the burden of domestic students' work is heavy, and want to help studentsreduce the burden" is an important reason for parents' enthusiasm for primary school studentsto study abroad. In addition, according to the survey results of parents, teachers and studentson foreign travel satisfaction and foreign study tours, parents and students are not verysatisfied with the current foreign study tour programs, only 27.9%, not too much. Theproportion of satisfied parents and students reached 41.1%, and the proportion of parents andstudents in the project was 31.0%. In summary, parents and students are not optimistic aboutthe satisfaction of foreign study tours. The current shortcomings in overseas study tours canbe summarized as follows: “replaying light play” or “replaying light tour”, foreign study tourcontent is too Single and foreign study market products are less and more chaotic.
Studying abroad is an important way to enhance the exchanges between China and othercountries in economic, political and cultural aspects. It is a project that is strongly promotedand developed by the state. The current domestic study tour policy is more relaxed thanbefore, and students have more opportunities. Participate in overseas study tours. However,there are still many shortcomings and problems in the current study abroad system. In order tobetter help primary school students to gain more knowledge and experience in the process ofstudying abroad, and to better help the domestic study tour policy and study tour system to bemore perfect, in response to the various problems and deficiencies in the foreign study toursystem proposed in the above research, It is recommended to make corrections andimprovements through the following countermeasures and suggestions: 1. Parents andstudents need to be mindful of studying abroad, based on the psychology of the comparison orbased on the idea of ??adding brilliance to the student's future resume and obtaining a goodjob salary. The mentality of the overseas study tour program is not advisable; 2. Pay attentionto the mutual integration of “tour” and “study”, and regard “learning and learning” as animportant concept of study abroad; 3. Manage the study tour market and develop differentlevels of study abroad. Projects, so that students from families with relatively poor economicconditions also have the opportunity to exchange and study abroad to promote educationalequity; 4. Enrich the content of foreign study tours, allowing students to learn more diverseknowledge while living with nature. ; 5. Enhance the primary management awareness ofprimary school students and enhance their self-management ability, thereby graduallyreducing Dependent adults.
Keywords: primary school students; study abroad;foreign study tour
目 录
第一章 绪 论
第二章 研究设计
第三章 研究结果与讨论
第四章 对策与建议