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  Abstract:The college secondary school library is one of the main components of the school library system. It can provide teachers and students with more convenient information retrieval services, saving time and labor costs. In order to further improve the management system of the secondary college library materials, create a better work environment for teachers and students, it analyzes the existing problems in the construction of the second grade college library, and proposes effective solutions.

  Keyword:Secondary college; Library of books; Management;


  校图书馆的工作任务主要是为学校教学与科研活动提供帮助与服务, 在学校培养人才和开展科研研究等方面发挥重要作用。高校二级学院图书资料室是专为二级学院教学科研服务的文献资料供应机构, 其更具有二级学院所需领域知识的针对性特征。近年来, 随着教育体制改革的不断深入, 对高校二级学院资料室建设提出了更高的要求, 为有效提升二级学院的教研水平和学科建设能力, 还需进一步加大力度完善二级学院图书资料室的现代化建设, 从而更加有效地服务于高等教育的全面发展。


TAG标签: 二级学院     图书资料室     管理    
