Abstract:In order to give full play to equipment efficiency, improve emergency handling procedures, reduce the impact of emergencies, and ensure passenger safety, this paper carries out research to improve the safety management level of subway stations.Based on the situation with recent safety management as well as statistics of frequency, location and type of guest injuries, the internal reasons are analyzed systematically. It is concluded that the measures taken from three aspects can effectively improve the level of safety management, thus providing decision support for optimizing equipment, improving the environment of waiting at stations and entering and leaving stations, and perfecting emergency disposal procedures and departmental management mechanisms.
Keyword:subway operation; production safety management; escalator injury;
本文旨在提高车站安全管理水平。然而车站安全涉及面广, 所以为提高研究效率, 应选择具有代表性的客伤案例。在车站内, 客流分为平面客流和垂直客流。平面客流出现的问题一般是多股不同方向客流出现冲突、交叉、交织后, 产生的人流混乱。通过加派管理人手, 设置导流流线基本可解决。垂直客流因为要集中使用自动扶梯、楼梯、垂直电梯3种上下方式, 尤其是自动扶梯使用频率最高, 所以会出现很多不可控的客伤类型。基于此, 本文选取自动扶梯客伤现象为代表性客伤现象。统计车站内客流量最大的一组扶梯客伤数据, 分析客伤群体特征、主要发生位置等方面, 从而有针对性地制定相应预防提升措施。