Abstract:four crime theory system in China under the cognizance of joint crime, illegal identification due to mixing and responsibility, resulting in improper narrow accomplice. Especially in the different age of criminal responsibility, or the existence of different elements of responsibility, the traditional methods can not be identified properly resolve relevant issues. Therefore, need the introduction of the system of three levels of crime, the strict distinction between illegal and responsibility, so as to accurately define the accomplice.
Keyword:common crime; four elements; three class;
我国刑法第25条规定, 共同犯罪是指二人以上共同故意犯罪。根据法条的这一表述, 我国传统理论认为, 要成立共同犯罪, 需要同时具备以下三个方面的条件。第一, 共同犯罪的主体必须是两个或两个以上达到刑事责任年龄、具有刑事责任能力的人;第二, 各行为人需要有共同的犯罪行为, 即各行为人的行为需指向同一犯罪, 通过各行为人之间相互配合、协助, 共同完成同一犯罪;第三, 各行为人需要有共同的犯罪故意, 即各行为人通过意思联络形成共同实施某种犯罪行为的犯罪故意。可见, 传统理论认定共同犯罪的方法是不区分共同犯罪的各种不同的形态, 只要符合以上三个条件, 就可以认定为共同犯罪。