Abstract:The“two mountain”theory of President Xi Jinping, namely “green mountain is the golden and silver mountain”, is the forerunner of green development.It is also the development argument that complies with the requirements of the national economic development.At present, the green development has become the most important development strategy of the country.Based on the reality of Lianyungang city, the resources and ecological protection status of green development in Lianyungang are analyzed.The situation of green development and ecologically making people wealthy in the three districts and four counties under the jurisdiction of Lianyungang city is investigated and the problems existing in the green development of Lianyungang are combed.On this basis, combined with the experience of national green development, the path selection of green development and ecologically making people wealthy in Lianyungang city is discussed.
Keyword:green development; ecologically making people wealthy; beautiful countryside; environmental protection; Lianyungang city;
中国经济发展到今天, 温饱问题已经解决, 人民群众对包括生存环境在内的生活质量有了新的要求, 良好的生态环境是人民生活的重要福祉。习近平提出“环境就是民生, 青山就是美丽, 蓝天也是幸福”是顺应人民群众的基本需求, 绿色发展、生态富民也是中国经济下一阶段的重要课题。2017年5月10日, 江苏省委书记李强在苏北发展座谈会上明确指出, 苏北不能再走传统老路, 而是要走生态优先、绿色发展的新路子, 要把生态作为苏北发展的根本依托和最大优势, 着力发展绿色生产力, 打通将绿水青山转化为金山银山的通道。连云港市应该顺应国家发展大局, 以绿色发展的理念指导经济的发展。