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浅析低碳经济与低碳生活的关系 低碳生活背景下的绿色建筑现状分析
大学生绿色出行低碳生活研究 低碳生活视域下的共享单车发展研究
低碳生活理念下的健身运动开展思路探析 查看更多>>低碳生活论文

  Abstract:Promoting green development is a complex system project, which should rely on the joint efforts of the whole society.People's green low carbon consumption patterns can force enterprises and the merchants to notice resource saving, environment friendly modes of production and packaging, guiding production mode change with green consumption mode, leading the industrial upgrading, promoting the development of circular economy, and promoting the development of green. To promote the green low carbon development and realize the goal of energy saving and environment protection, we should change the consumption pattern and the concept of excessive consumption, consumption comparison. Instead, we should promote the low carbon, energy saving, scientific and reasonable consumption pattern and concept, developing resource conservation and environmental protection, establish green low carbon science consumption mechanism, to make green low carbon consumption into our lives and become a new consumer fashion, so as to promote green development, energy conservation and emissions reduction environmental protection.

  Keyword:low carbon; energy conservation and emissions reduction; green consumption; consumption pattern;

  绿色低碳生产方式和消费方式是一种可持续的生产模式与消费方式。“推动形成绿色发展方式和生活方式, 是发展观的一场深刻革命。” (1) 面对能源、资源严重短缺的制约, 面对生态环境的挑战, 面对应对气候变化减排的压力, 面对雾霾的挑战, 中华民族没有退路, 必须走生态文明之路, 建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会, 必须下决心推进建立绿色低碳消费机制, 推进生活方式绿色化, 推进绿色发展, 推动节能减排, 保护生态环境。


TAG标签: 绿色消费     消费模     节能减排    
