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  Abstract:The new generation of migrant workers' wage rights protection shows the structural change of legitimacy support, from the gradual expansion of survival right to the development right.Their willingness to act and ways of defending their rights mainly depend on the situation of labor market occupation and the embedding of urban social relations.Due to the worrying situation of those temporarily employed, their helpless relief and the grey traps they have fallen in, their wage actions have become normal.It is the first choice for migrant workers to have a job and obtain a better income.At present, the institutional channel of rights relief is crowded and the potential cost is not low, so the convergent power of informal rural relationship network should not be underestimated.It is necessary that the flexible and stable long-term employment mechanism should be established, the multi-party litigation organizations participated by employers, migrant workers and the government be formed, and the system of labor laws and regulations be perfected to fill the gap.In this way, the adaptability and anti-risk capacity of the new generation of migrant workers in the city can be greatly improved.

  Keyword:wage actions and right protection; structure; evolution; new generation of migrant workers;

  改革开放以来, 城乡二元结构性问题逐渐松动, 城乡融合发展加快, 新生代农民工进军城市并集结于制造业、建筑业和服务业, 在受雇从业状况下, 他们即使可有限度地接受低工资水平, 却难容忍工资被拖欠尤其恶意拖欠, 集体讨薪行动势焰而权利式微, 不谐和的抗争事件呈“常态性”演绎。如2011年河南信阳农民工挖坑“活埋”自己进行“自虐式”讨薪, 2011年陕西富平农民工“集体下跪”讨薪, 2012年湖南衡邵高速民工堵路讨薪等。劳有所得只是劳动者一项应然性权利, 薪酬是否实然获得检验社会劳动雇佣关系的和谐度。党的十九大指出, 中国特色社会主义进入新时代, 我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。这一重大判断对于我们进一步认识农民工讨薪维权问题, 也具有重要的指导意义。薪酬承载着社会的契约规则和诚信原则, 劳动者追偿薪酬既为经济性行为又为价值性行为, 其中就反映了农民工群体对美好生活的向往和追求, 它是现阶段社会主要矛盾的体现之一, 因劳动报偿而演变的劳资矛盾冲突容易引起社会敏感, 这就要从源头上分析, 重视过程治理。


TAG标签: 讨薪维权     结构     演化    
