Abstract:The phenomenon of extramarital affairs, a series of social problems and thought-provoking. The provisions of the marriage law about third party infringes upon the spouse right to civil liability, the marriage relationship survival of no-fault responsibility damages can only exist in the divorce proceedings, and the request object can only has the fault liability of each party, leading to the current marriage law not to violate the act of spouse rights of a third party for accountability, the no-fault liability side in a difficult predicament to get civil legal relief. Therefore, from the analysis of the civil property of spouse rights, define the spouse right infringement type, third party to build and perfect the system of spouse rights guarantee to provide legislative suggestions.
Keyword:a third party; spouse rights; the civil liability;
配偶权一词最早来源于英美法系国家, 配偶权在英美法系国家的定义:配偶之间要求对方相互陪伴、钟爱和帮助的权利。我国法律对于配偶权没有明确的规定, 学术界对于配偶权的涵义也有一定的争议, 主要有以下几类观点:身份说认为配偶权是合法婚姻关系前提下的配偶之间互相享有的身份权益;陪伴说与英美法系国家对于配偶权的定义基本相同;利益说认为任何第三人不得侵犯专属于夫妻之间的配偶身份利益。法定说认为配偶权是在夫妻合法婚姻关系与配偶身份前提下而享有或承担权利与义务的统称[1]。学术界从不同的角度赋予配偶权内涵, 侧重点各有不同。总之, 配偶权是以合法的婚姻关系为前提, 夫妻双方基于配偶关系而产生的互享权利和互担义务的身份权。