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  Abstract:Fuyang District of Hangzhou City boasts the excellent nature condition and abundant bamboo resources. It has a long history of bamboo cultivation and enjoys profound bamboo culture, which is the solid foundation for bamboo industry development. The paper analyzed the bamboo resources characteristics, bamboo forest management and exiting problems, and came up with the corresponding advises on promoting the bamboo industry development in Fuyang District.

  Keyword:bamboo resources; bamboo forest management; bamboo industry; development advise; Hangzhou; Zhejiang Province;

  竹子具有生长快、用途广、效益好、生态功能强、能自我更新等特点, 集生态、经济和社会效益于一体。丰富的竹资源是杭州市富阳区的资源特色和产业发展优势, 在当前富阳区正在打造的“富裕阳光的大都市新型城区”建设中以及乡村振兴中如何发挥好这一优势, 已成为政府、社会各界以及广大林业科技工作者面临的现实问题。本文分析了富阳区的竹资源及竹林经营现状, 对富阳发展竹产业提出建议。


TAG标签: 富阳区     竹林     杭州    
