Technological innovation is the driving force of country's economicdevelopment,and also the fundamental driving force for enterprise development. Inthe process of technological innovation, the resources supply especially the financialresources is essential.In terms of current financial market structure and financialresource allocation process of China,the factor market distortions caused by resourcemisallocation has become an important factor hindering enterprise technologicalinnovation.How to grasp theoretically the relationship between financial resourcemisallocation and technological innovation, and how to correct the misallocation offinancial resource is the key to implement the national innovation-drivendevelopment strategy.Based on that problem,this paper constructs a theoreticalframework of resource misallocation,and uses the framework analyzing thetheoretical impact of financial misallocation on enterprise technological innovation.
Based on that,the paper analyzes three mechanisms of financial misallocationaffecting enterprise technological innovation.Then, based on the micro-data ofenterprises in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan area,this paper calculated the financialmisallocation,and studied the relationship between financial resource missllocationand technological innovation in this area empirically.The empirical results show thatthe existence of financial resources misallocation in Chang-Zhu-Tan areasignificantly inhibits the improvement of technological innovation,the greater thedegree of misallocation,the stronger the inhibitory effect on technologicalinnovation,especially the general equipment manufacturing industry,suppressioneffect particularly obvious in general equipment manufacturing industry.Theempirical results also show that there is a difference between the financialmisallocation and the technological innovation for firms with different ownershipproperties.The inhibitory effect between financial resources misallocation andtechnological innovation in state-owned enterprises is not obvious,and therelationship between the two is significant. Finally,based on the reasons for themisallocation of financial resources and the relationship between financial resourcemisallocation and technological innovation,this paper put forward some policysuggestions to eliminate the mismatch of financial resources and improve thetechnological innovation of enterprises.
Key words: financial resource misallocation;enterprise technology innovation;inhibitory effect;region of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan
目 录
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究意义
1.2 国内外文献综述
1.2.1 资源错配的国内外文献综述
1.2.2 技术创新的国内外文献综述
1.3 研究内容及方法
1.3.1 研究内容
1.3.2 研究方法
1.4 本文主要创新与不足
1.4.1 可能的创新
1.4.2 主要的不足
第二章 金融错配影响企业技术创新的理论分析
2.1 金融错配和技术创新的内涵
2.1.1 金融错配的内涵
2.1.2 技术创新的内涵
2.2 金融错配与企业技术创新的理论关系模型
2.3 金融错配影响企业技术创新的机理
2.3.1 金融错配催生寻租活动影响企业技术创新
2.3.2 金融错配导致市场结构趋近垄断影响企业技术创新
2.3.3 金融错配导致研发创新面临融资约束影响企业技术创新
第三章 金融错配影响企业技术创新的实证分析:基于长株潭地区企业数据的分析
3.1 变量选取与模型构建
3.1.1 变量选取
3.1.2 模型构建
3.2 数据来源与统计描述
3.2.1 数据来源
3.2.2 描述性统计分析
3.2.3 Person 相关系数检验
3.3 实证结果及分析
3.3.1 整体样本的实证分析
3.3.2 区分企业有制性质的对比实证分析
3.3.3 不同工业行业的实证分析
3.4 实证结论
第四章 改善金融错配、提升企业技术创新的对策建议
4.1 消除信贷所有制歧视,增强银行业竞争
4.1.1 成立服务民营企业的担保平台
4.1.2 发展中小金融机构
4.2 补贴企业创新投入,减少对低效企业的保护
4.2.1 从财政或税收上支持企业创新
4.2.2 减少政府对信贷领域的干预.
4.3 完善中小企业融资,扶持中小企业创新
4.3.1 增强债券与新三板市场服务中小企业的功能
4.3.2 积极发展产权交易市场.
第五章 结论