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luckin coffee的营销组合分析


  Abstract:A local new brand “luckin coffee” develop the new retail market very quickly in recent half year. It owns huge potential to occupy the market via new category, user-segment, e-commerce and takeout services. This article is aim to analysis luckin coffee marketing strategy based on classic 4 P marketing mix theory, and then point out the questions and challenges.

  Keyword:new retail; 4P; marketing mix;

  1、luckin coffee介绍

  luckin coffee (瑞幸咖啡) 于2017年11月由神州优车前COO钱治亚携10亿元资金创立的新的咖啡店品牌。该品牌主张以高的性价比改变咖啡消费观念, 以规格原料与制程改变咖啡消费品质, 以新零售模式改变咖啡消费体验。


TAG标签: 网络新零售     营销组合    
