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  Abstract:The theme of Zun De Yi in Guodian Bamboo Slips is to educate masses, which regards the primary task of governors as educating the masses and accomplishing the virtue of the masses. But education is not to impose " humanitarianism" on people who do not know it at all, but to tell the principle of “dealing with a person as he deals with you”, and to help them achieve the benevolence hidden in their heart, making them show their own " humanity". It is required that the governors should fully respect the people's willing and nature as well as the actual contents such as " humanitarianism" and " ethics", act strictly according to the internal laws and characteristics of the " humanitarianism", and make sure to " do things with the wishes of the people". And the main means to achieve these goals are rite and music.

  Keyword:Guodian Bamboo Slips; Zun De Yi; education;

  1993年1月, 考古工作者在湖北省荆门市沙洋县郭店村一号楚墓发掘了一批竹简, 这批出土竹简共计804枚。经过考古工作者的整理, 得到有字竹简730枚, 其中大部分保存完整。从这批竹简的长度来看, 它们可以分为三类:第一类简长32.5厘米左右;第二类简长26.5~30.6厘米;第三类简长15~17.5厘米。从竹简编线来看, 可以分为两类:第一类编线两道;第二类编线三道。从简端形状来看, 也可以分为两类:第一类两端平齐;第二类两端成梯形。由于编线腐朽和盗扰, 这批竹简在刚出土时即已散乱。整理者根据竹简形制、内容、字体特点等进行了分篇和连缀, 然而, 已经无法完全恢复简册的原貌。1998年4月, 由彭浩、刘祖信先生遍连和注释, 经裘锡圭先生审定并加按语的《郭店楚墓竹简》一书由北京文物出版社出版。


